16 Reasons Why Men Love Sex Dolls More Than Real Women - SxDolled

16 Reasons Why Men Love Sex Dolls More Than Real Women

The phenomenon of sex dolls has experienced a significant surge in popularity over the years, despite being initially considered a taboo subject that carried negative stigmatization, particularly in public discourse. Recent surveys have revealed that men are the primary demographic who engage in sexual activities with sex dolls. This suggests that men appear to exhibit a preference for romantic intimacy with sex dolls over women. The question arises, why do men prefer a TPE sex doll, even investing substantial amounts of money in a realistic silicone doll, rather than pursuing genuine relationships with real women?

Note, before we begin, it is important to note that not all women are accountable for some or even all of the reasons listed below. Before we get into 16 reasons why men love sex dolls let's take a look into the key reasons why sex doll owners bought their dolls in the first place.


Here's why sex dolls are better than real women:

1) Men prefer sex dolls over real women due to various reasons, including loneliness, relationship trust issues, and companionship needs.

2) Sex dolls offer advantages over traditional relationships, including not requiring alimony, eliminating the risk of sperm theft, and being child-free.

3) Sex dolls provide a safe option from sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and are considered the most faithful partners, free from drama and emotional turmoil.

4) Sex dolls have low maintenance requirements and offer a fixed and predictable cost, making them a cost-effective and hassle-free choice.

5) Sex dolls are quiet and composed partners, never complain about spending time with friends or playing video games, and cannot be influenced by third parties like "White Knights."

6) They are not distracted by smartphones and will never test or make false accusations against their owners.

7) Sex dolls are considered more attractive as they can be customized to individual preferences and offer a perfect physique.


Real Sex Doll Owners Share Why They Bought Sex Dolls

Sex doll owners share their reasons for purchasing realistic sex dolls. These quotes and core reasons provide insight into their motivations:
Loneliness: "I just got tired of being alone. Most of the women I went out with got pissed when race season got here and I went to work on the cars on most weekends. And I don't want all the head games that real women bring with them."
Relationship and Trust Issues: "It seems that the entire dating/marriage concept has become this sort of death trap for males. No matter how you try to play it, she will always hold all of the cards and will most likely use them at some point. Dolls are a good sensible alternative. They meet my needs well enough for the arrangement to be sustainable."
"My social life is almost nonexistent...Working at night and sleeping until the crack of noon with enough time to eat, get a small workout in and shower after, then head to work...No time to look for a relationship tried online dating to no avail, and some major trust issues(from very bad experiences) lead me to desire a sex doll."
Companionship: "I just got tired of walking into an empty house after a stressful day at work. All I have to do is see my sex doll smiling in the corner and know everything is going to be ok. I know my house is still empty but at least with my dolls here it doesn’t feel empty."
"I wanted a companion. That I could hug to sleep. Or not feel lonely when I play computer games. I find her too cute. My little elf."
Physical Attraction and Acceptance: "I basically just wanted a girlfriend that could deal with my disability and wasn't fat. After years of trying and endless rejection, I decided to get a sex doll."

16 Reasons Why Sex Dolls Are Essentially Better Than Women

Having explored the motivations behind sex doll ownership, we will now dive into the top 16 reasons why many men love sex dolls and why sex dolls are believed to be better than women. These reasons include:

1. Sex Dolls Do Not Require Alimony

One advantage of sex dolls is that they do not require any form of financial support or alimony, which is a legal obligation to provide financial assistance to a spouse during and after a separation. Alimony, if you do not know, is a legal obligation where you must financially support your spouse after you separate. In contemporary society, alimony is a common responsibility of many men to their partners or ex-partners, particularly when there are children involved. The obligor pays the oblige either directly or indirectly to financially support a child or children from the already terminated relationship. However, for men who prefer a rich, even comfortable, lifestyle, the amount of money required for alimony can be frustrating. When you realise that 56% of all marriages end in separation and 41% end in divorce, it’s easier to understand why this great reason is so common among men.
With sex dolls, there is no need to worry about providing financial support to a partner, as they are self-sufficient in that regard. The only upkeep required is cleaning, maintenance, and proper storage. This makes sex dolls an ideal and cost-effective alternative to traditional relationships. Even those who prefer a polygamous lifestyle can easily afford to maintain several sex dolls, making them a great choice for those looking for low-maintenance and affordable companions. If you are looking for a realistic and affordable way to fulfil your desires, purchasing a sex doll may be the perfect choice for you.

2. Sex Dolls Eliminate The Risk Of Sperm Theft 

Sperm theft can occur in two ways, either when a real woman becomes pregnant after a man assumed they were having protected sex, or when a real woman steals a used condom for various purposes. This type of theft can result in serious legal and financial consequences. However, sex dolls provide a solution to this problem by eliminating the risk of sperm theft altogether.
After using a sex doll, the owner simply needs to clean her thoroughly, including her orifices where semen may preside. Although this does not guarantee the complete elimination of the possibility of sperm theft, it significantly reduces the likelihood of it occurring. Therefore, it is important to clean your sex doll as soon as possible after use to prevent any potential issues.
Sperm theft is a serious crime that is punishable by law, and with sex dolls serving as a viable alternative, individuals can fulfill their desires without any potential legal ramifications. By eliminating the risk of sperm theft, sex dolls offer a safe and convenient option for those seeking sexual pleasure. If you want to avoid the risks associated with traditional relationships and enjoy a safe and fulfilling sexual experience, investing in a sex doll may be the perfect choice for you.

3. Sex Dolls Are Child Free 

Sex dolls are inanimate objects that cannot conceive, so there is no chance of pregnancy or the need for child support. This is a significant advantage, considering that in 2015, non-custodial parents in the United States paid over $33 billion in child support. Compared to the cost of raising children, sex dolls are incredibly affordable and provide a safe and low-maintenance way to fulfil one's sexual desires. In family law child support is a regular payment paid by a parent. If you find yourself having children with a woman who you later separate from you will find yourself having to pay child support.
By eliminating the risk of unwanted pregnancies and child support obligations, sex dolls offer a hassle-free and cost-effective alternative to traditional relationships. Whether one is single, in a committed relationship, or seeking an unconventional lifestyle, sex dolls provide a way to enjoy sexual pleasure without the financial or legal obligations associated with children. If you are looking for a worry-free and affordable way to satisfy your sexual desires, consider investing in a realistic sex doll today.

4. Sex Dolls: A Safe Option From Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

Sexually transmitted infections pose a significant health risk to sexually active individuals, and the effects can be more severe in women. While condoms can help reduce the risk of STIs, they do not offer complete protection. Infections can be caused by viruses, bacteria, yeast, and parasites, and treating them can be difficult, with antibiotics being ineffective against viral infections.
However, with sex dolls, there is no risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections. These pleasure aids remain untouched and clean until you buy them, making them free from STIs. Additionally, since you are the only partner in the relationship, there is no chance of the sex doll ever getting an infection from another person and passing it on to you. This is an excellent reason why you should consider purchasing a realistic sex doll for your sexual pleasure, as they are a completely safe and risk-free option.

5. Sex Dolls Are The Most Faithful Partners

Infidelity is a common problem in many relationships and can take different forms, including emotional and physical cheating. Studies suggest that more than 60% of married couples have experienced some form of infidelity at some point in their relationship. While the reasons for infidelity are complex, it can be a devastating experience for the betrayed partner.
Sex dolls offer a unique solution to the problem of infidelity, as they are the most faithful partners one can have. Unlike humans, sex dolls are not capable of sleeping around or betraying your trust. They are entirely committed to you and remain faithful to only you at all times. With a sex doll, you don't have to worry about emotional or physical cheating, as your sex doll, again, belongs solely to you. You are in complete control of the relationship, and the doll will remain committed to you until you decide to part ways with her. This makes sex dolls an attractive option for those looking for a loyal and reliable partner without the risk of infidelity.

6. Sex Dolls Have Low Maintenance Requirements 

When it comes to maintenance, sex dolls have a considerable advantage over women as they require significantly less upkeep. While the initial cost of purchasing a sex doll might be high, the long-term maintenance cost is low. Sex dolls only require regular cleaning and proper storage in between uses.
Unlike a real woman, sex dolls lack emotions and cannot get sick or depressed, meaning they do not require expensive treats, dates, or other forms of attention. All you need is a few outfits, a good storage unit, and regular cleaning to keep your doll in good condition. This makes sex dolls a cost-effective option that requires minimal effort to maintain. It's no wonder why more and more people are turning to sex dolls for their pleasure needs.

7. Sex Dolls Offer A Fixed And Predictable Cost


Unlike women who come with additional expenses, sex dolls offer a fixed and predictable cost. Women often require frequent expenses such as hair care treatments, manicures and pedicures, and regular date nights. These costs can add up quickly, making maintaining a relationship with a real woman quite expensive. Then, on top of frequent expenses, there are unexpected expenses, which often include; in the moment cravings and activities.
In contrast, sex dolls have a one-time purchase cost, and after that, the only expense is regular maintenance, which includes cleaning and proper storage in between use. This means that you won't have to worry about hidden costs or unexpected expenses. The sex doll's whole price tag is on the box, and you won't have to worry about any additional expenses. This is definitely one of the main reasons why sex dolls are a better option than women.
If you want more insight into the cost of sex dolls, have a look at our article "how much does a sex doll cost".
TLDR: Aside from the initial cost of purchasing your doll, there is little to no additional cost there forth.

8. Sex Dolls: Quiet And Composed Partners

Women often go to great lengths to gain attention, even resorting to extreme measures. However, sex dolls are calm and composed at all times, making them ideal partners for those who want a stress-free and peaceful relationship. With sex dolls, there are no demands for dates, gifts, or special treatment, as they do not have any emotional needs. They only require simple maintenance, such as regular cleaning and proper storage. Overall, sex dolls are a low-maintenance and quiet partner option, which is why they are increasingly preferred over real women by many.

9. Sex Dolls Will Never Complain When You Play Video Games Or Spend Time With Friends

Spending time with friends and playing video games are some of the common activities that most men enjoy. However, women tend to be needy and will often demand attention, causing arguments and wrangles in relationships. This is where sex dolls come in handy. Unlike women, sex dolls will never complain or argue with you over how you choose to spend your free time. They are always supportive and never needy, making them the perfect companions for many men who value their independence.
In a relationship, women may try to change your way of life and force you to give up your hobbies and interests, but sex dolls will never do that. They are not affected by your life choices and will never judge you for the things you enjoy doing. This is one of the many reasons why sex dolls are better than women and why so many men choose them.

10. Sex Dolls Are Not Subject To White Knights Or Bitters

Sex dolls are not susceptible to interference from White Knights or other people who may try to steal your partner away from you. In the business world, a White Knight is defined as a person or company that acquires a struggling business on the brink of collapse due to unfavourable circumstances. In the dating world, a White Knight is someone who attempts to "rescue" your partner from a troubled relationship, using various means, such as financial incentives or seductive behaviour. Thankfully, with a sex doll, you don't have to worry about any third parties interfering in your relationship because your sex doll is not capable of developing relationships outside of you. This is yet another good reason why sex dolls are superior to women.

11. Women Who Are Constantly On Their Phones

In today’s world, we are all guilty of being glued to our phones, even when it comes to intimate moments with our partners. This can be frustrating and a major turn-off for many individuals. With sex dolls, however, this is not a concern. Sex dolls cannot operate hand-held gadgets or perform complex tasks, meaning they are solely devoted to providing sexual pleasure and companionship to you.
The fact that sex dolls do not stare at their phones also means that they are always available and focused on their owners. They do not get distracted by notifications or social media, ensuring uninterrupted attention and devotion. This is a great advantage over women who are often on their phones, causing distractions and interruptions during intimate moments.
Furthermore, the lack of distractions from phones also means that sex dolls are always present and in the moment. They do not miss out on important moments or conversations due to being preoccupied with their phones. This level of presence and attentiveness is a valuable trait that makes sex dolls a better option than women who are constantly on their phones.

12. A Realistic Sex Doll Will Never Test You

A realistic sex doll provides a hassle-free and peaceful relationship without any mind games. Women often indulge in "shit tests" where they put their partners through a series of challenges to test their commitment and love. Although real-life situations can reveal a person's true character, these tests can often turn out hurtful and even lead to breakups. In most cases these tests are unnecessary. In contrast, sex dolls are incapable of thinking and reasoning, which makes them submissive partners that won't put you through any tests. With a sex doll, you can enjoy a  harmonious and fulfilling relationship without any unnecessary conflicts.

13. Drama-Free Relationships With Sex Dolls

Drama-free relationships are hard to come by, especially when some women are involved. However, sex dolls offer a unique solution to this problem, as they are not subject to the same emotional whims as some human women. Some women, in particular, are often known for their tendency to pull dramatic scenes in public, regardless of the consequences. This can cause major problems in a relationship, but with a sex doll, you don't have to worry about any of that. You will never have to worry about:
Public Embarrassment: Unlike some women who might act out in public to prove a point, sex dolls are always composed and quiet. They won't embarrass you by causing a scene or damaging property.
Drama: A sex doll's inability to think and reason means that they can never start a dramatic scene, no matter what. This makes for a drama-free and stress-free relationship, which is a great pro of using sex dolls.
Emotional Turmoil: Drama and emotional turmoil often go hand in hand. Some women might pull a dramatic scene to express their emotions, but with a sex doll, you don't have to worry about any of that. They can't express emotions, which makes them an ideal partner for those who want a drama-free relationship.

14. The Rationality Of Sex Dolls Over Women

In many relationships, women are often seen as the cause of drama, overthinking, and irrationality. On the other hand, sex dolls are viewed as perfect partners, free from the emotional turmoil that is often associated with women.
When it comes to relationships, women tend to overthink and become overly emotional. They often create drama over minor issues, and this can lead to the deterioration of a relationship. In contrast, sex dolls are free from emotional turmoil. They cannot overthink, create drama, or become overly emotional. They are rational, calm, and collected at all times.
Women can be indecent in public, especially when they want to drive a point home. They may create a scene that may cause harm or damage to property. According to research, one out of every three women in the United States has acted out of anger and caused a dramatic scene at one point in their relationship. On the other hand, sex dolls are incapable of creating such scenes. They cannot act out in public, which makes them a better option than women.
Women can be unpredictable, especially when it comes to relationships. They may become jealous or insecure over minor issues, and this can lead to the deterioration of a relationship. They may also test their partner's love and commitment, leading to unnecessary drama. Sex dolls are predictable, calm, and collected. They cannot test their partner's love or become jealous, making them a better option than women.
Sex dolls are devoted and committed to their partner's sexual needs. They are designed to provide pleasure and companionship, and they do not have any other motives. They do not need attention, love, or commitment, making them a better option than women who may demand all of these.

15. No False Accusations

Sex dolls are free from making false accusations, unlike women who are prone to overthinking and making serious assumptions that can affect their relationship. Women tend to be vigilant about their partner and can hold on to resentments ready to unleash them when the opportunity presents itself.
In contrast, men can be less sensitive and joke about almost anything. On the other hand, sex dolls lack human intelligence and are unable to make unfounded accusations, making them better partners than women in this regard.

16. Sex Dolls Are Just More Attractive 

Sex dolls are simply more attractive than most real girls. Sex dolls are made to perfect proportions, and if that’s not your type then you can customise your sex doll to your preference. It’s nearly impossible to find the real woman of your dreams who will give you a chance, but with a sex doll that’s just a few clicks away.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the benefits of sex dolls are gaining more recognition and acceptance as time goes by. What was once a taboo subject has now become a popular topic among many. The aforementioned reasons clearly highlight why men love sex dolls and why sex dolls are superior to some women in many ways, from their inability to engage in drama, make false accusations, or pull a dramatic scene. All of these factors contribute to the increasing popularity of sex dolls and make them an attractive alternative to traditional relationships with women. 

At SxDolled, we're always happy to share insightful information and help you identify the perfect sex doll for you.

Sex dolls are a simple solution to meet your needs physically and emotionally. Whether you require a curvy or slim doll or a busty or flat doll, there is a sex doll out there for you and if there isn’t we’ll simply customise one for you! Spice up your sex life, buy your adult toys or your sex doll online with us today!

We offer free shipping and delivery with all sex doll orders.

We only collaborate with certified sex doll manufacturers, who produce the best love dolls in the world. We only supply the most realistic and high quality silicone and TPE sex dolls made on the market.

What are you waiting for? If you need help customising your sex doll, please contact us via email.

Want to see us stock a specific type of sex doll or other sex toys? Contact us and let us know!

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