TPE Vs Silicone: Choosing The Right Sex Doll Material For You

TPE Vs Silicone: Choosing The Right Sex Doll Material For You | SxDolled

TPE Vs Silicone: Choosing The Right Sex Doll Material For You

May 01, 2023



  • Silicone: What Is It And How Does It Compare To Other Materials?
  • TPE: What Is It And How Does It Compare To Silicone?
  • Silicone Vs TPE: Considerations Before Making Your Decision
  • Major Differences Between Silicone And TPE
  • Final Thoughts

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What’s The Difference Between Silicone And TPE dolls?

Silicone and TPE (thermoplastic elastomer) are two popular materials used for making sex dolls. When it comes to choosing between a medical grade silicone or TPE sex doll, potential sex doll owners often turn to the internet for guidance. As with any purchase, it's important to weigh the pros and cons of both options before deciding, since everyone has different preferences and needs. In this article, we aim to provide clarity on the differences and benefits of each material, so that you can make an informed choice.

Sex doll manufacturers have long sought to create lifelike experiences by experimenting with a range of materials. Initially, silicone was the material of choice due to its realistic texture and ease of maintenance. However, it was not easily obtainable and the cost was often passed on to the customer, making silicone sex dolls very expensive.

In order to produce more affordable sex dolls without sacrificing quality or realism, sex doll manufacturers began exploring alternative materials. This is when TPE emerged as a reliable substitute for silicone, as it offers a similar texture and human-like feel. As a result, TPE has become the most popular material for sex doll production to this day, due to its affordability and realism.

Key Takeaways

How to determine if a TPE or silicone sex doll is for you:

1) Silicone and TPE are popular materials for sex dolls. Silicone offers a more realistic texture and ease of cleaning but is more expensive, while TPE is more affordable and has a softer, more human-like feel.

2) Silicone sex dolls are non-porous, making them easier to clean and maintain, while TPE dolls are porous and require more thorough cleaning to prevent the buildup of germs and bacteria.

3) TPE sex dolls are more flexible, allowing for a wider range of sex positions, while silicone sex dolls can integrate heating functions for enhanced sensations.

4) Consider your budget, usage preferences, shower/bathtub compatibility, maintenance willingness, and the level of realism you desire when choosing between silicone and TPE sex dolls.

Silicone: What Is It And How Does It Compare To Other Materials?

Platinum silicones are popular materials for sex toys due to its durability, ease of cleaning, and realistic feel. Composed of a blend of silicone polymer, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, silicone can vary in softness depending on the composition of its components. Silicone is rubber-like and has high heat resistance. Depending on the formula, silicone rubber can be very firm or very soft. Furthermore, since silicone is highly resistant to heat, this means you can sterilize silicone material easily by boiling it without affecting it's original shape. Rubber silicone has been used in both the sex toy and sex doll industries for decades already, and it seems for decades to come.

Additionally, silicone's heat resistance, allows for the incorporation of heating functions into silicone sex dolls, to enhance your experience, unlike TPE sex dolls.

TPE: What Is It And How Does It Compare To Silicone?

Thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), also known as thermoplastic rubber, was introduced into the sex doll market as a more affordable alternative to silicone, while still providing a quality experience. TPE material belongs to a class of copolymers that combine thermoplastic and elastomeric materials. To make TPE, we mix polymers such as plastic and rubber, materials with both thermoplastic (plastic) and elastomeric (rubber) properties. It is a very popular material that we can see in everyday items that possess rubber like features due to it's efficiency and compatibility with current injection molding techniques.  TPE is known for its flexibility and molding ability, making it a popular choice for rubber-based products. While it may be more difficult to maintain than silicone mainly due to its porous nature, TPE material has a soft texture that feels more like real skin and is more affordable, making it an ideal material for creating affordable and realistic sex dolls.

Silicone vs TPE: Considerations Before Making Your Decision

Before purchasing a sex doll, it is important to consider a few things to help determine which material is best for you. These include:

1) How much are you willing to spend?
2) Do you plan to use your sex doll in the shower or bathtub?
3) How much time are you willing to spend on maintenance?
4) Are you more interested in your sex doll's appearance or the feel of the material?

Answering these questions can help you make a more informed decision and ensure that you are happy with your purchase.

Major Differences Between Silicone And TPE

1) Cost

Silicone has been the go-to sex doll material for many years, thanks to its realistic feel and ease of maintenance. However, silicone's high cost has been a challenge for many buyers, with many manufacturers having to transfer the costs to their customers.

In contrast, TPE emerged as a reliable substitute for silicone, and manufacturers embraced it due to its affordability and realistic texture, making TPE sex dolls and sex dolls in general more accessible to the global market.

2) Level of Realism

Both silicone and TPE offer a human-like feel, however silicone has been used for manufacturing sex dolls for longer, typically resulting in more refined and realistic silicone sex dolls in terms of modeling and especially when used together with heating functions.

On the other hand, TPE is relatively new in the market, and while it has a realistic touch and appearance, there is still much more that can be done to enhance this material’s realism. On a different note, TPE sex dolls are far squishier than silicone dolls, making it ideal for buyers who prefer the natural wobble and feel of butts and boobs.

Pro Tip: If you prioritize realistic body parts such as the vagina, silicone sex dolls might be the better option. But if you enjoy the natural wobbling of the breasts during sex, TPE sex dolls will blow your mind.

In terms of sex positions, TPE is more elastic than silicone, which makes that TPE sex dolls more flexible. This contributes, in theory, to the broader variety of sex positions which TPE dolls can achieve and handle over silicone sex dolls.

3) Hygiene and Maintenance

When it comes to your sex doll’s material, hygiene is crucial, and the level of maintenance depends on whether the material used is porous or non-porous. Silicone sex dolls are non-porous, which means they have a smooth and soft surface that doesn't trap water, body fluids, or any other nasties during cleaning or sex. As a result, silicone dolls are easier to clean and sterilize regularly, ensuring high levels of hygiene.

On the other hand, TPE is a porous material, which makes TPE sex dolls porous. This means TPE dolls contain small pores that can trap moisture and other foreign material, making cleaning more challenging and enabling germs and bacteria a chance to thrive if you do not properly clean your doll properly. After sex, body fluids may be retained in the anal and vaginal activities, which is unhygienic and can cause infections to the user in the long run if not cleaned properly.

4) Sensations and Realism

One of the main reasons why people invest in sex dolls is to experience true-to-life sensations, and both silicone and TPE materials deliver on this front. Both TPE sex dolls and silicone sex dolls offer a realistic and human-like feel that can help actualize your sexual fantasies. However, when it comes to integrating technology to enhance the experience, silicone has an advantage.

Silicone is less sensitive to heat as compared to TPE, which means you can integrate heating functions as well as enjoy warm showers with a realistic silicone sex doll but not with a TPE sex doll. You'll be able to enjoy warm, sensual baths with your silicone doll thanks to its high-temperature resistance (I do not recommend hot baths for your sake and your sex doll's sake). On the other hand, as previously mentioned, TPE is more elastic and squishier than silicone, which allows for the wobbling of the breasts and butt during sex, creating a more natural and enjoyable experience.

Final Thoughts

One of the main reasons why people invest in sex dolls is to experience true-to-life sensations, and both silicone and TPE materials deliver on this front. Both materials offer a realistic and human-like feel that can help actualize your sexual fantasies. However, when it comes to integrating technology to enhance the experience, silicone has an advantage.

Silicone is less sensitive to heat as compared to TPE, which means you can integrate heating functions as well as enjoy warm showers with a realistic silicone sex doll but not with a TPE doll. On the other hand, as previously mentioned, TPE is more elastic and squishier than silicone, which allows for the wobbling of the breasts and butt during sex, creating a more natural and enjoyable experience.

It is important to conduct thorough research and carefully consider the pros and cons of each material before making your decision. Ultimately, the choice between TPE or Silicone is a personal one, but, one you won't regret either way. It's more important to remember to maintain your sex dolls for the best ongoing experience as well as ensuring the longevity of your sex doll.

At SxDolled, our goal is to make the shopping experience as stress-free and convenient as possible for our customers. By prioritizing customer satisfaction, we are committed to helping our customers make informed decisions about their purchases and providing support and assistance throughout the entire shopping process. We're also always happy to share insightful information and help you identify the perfect love doll for you.

Sex dolls are a simple solution to meet your needs physically and emotionally. Whether you require a curvy or slim doll or a busty or flat doll, there is a sex doll out there for you and if there isn’t we’ll simply customise one for you! Spice up your sex life, buy your sex toys or sex dolls online with us today!

We offer free shipping and delivery with all sex doll orders.

We only collaborate with certified sex doll manufacturers, who produce the best love dolls in the world. We only supply the most realistic and high quality silicone love dolls and TPE love dolls made on the market.

What are you waiting for? If you need help customising your sex doll, please contact us via email.

Want to see us stock specific types of sex dolls or sex toys? Contact us and let us know!

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  • Hi Keith,

    No, not that I know of.

  • Do manufacture rubber sex dolls without skeletons?

    Keith Drebit

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