How to Properly Dispose of Your Unwanted Pocket Pussy



July 07, 2022



  • What Is the Best Way to Dispose of Your Unwanted Sex Toys?
            - 1) Council
            - 2) Public E-waste Recycling Centres
            - 3) Personal Bins
            - 4) Resale and Second-Hand Use
            - 5) Reuse
  • Final Thoughts

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Men let’s be honest.

With so many different types of sex toys from pocket pussies to sex dolls, you’ll likely have more than just one sex toy.

Depending on what you're into, who you're with or what you're trying to achieve, the complementary sex toy will generally vary.

But what happens when you’ve used your pocket pussy to its absolute maximum, or you’ve decided to upgrade to a torso and no longer need it?

I know it’s not something you'd like to think about but your favourite, pocket pussies, torsos and sex dolls will without proper maintenance eventually succumb to the ravages of time and need replacing.

So, where exactly do you expose of your pocket pussy?

That’s what we’re here to find out.

What Is the Best Way to Dispose of Your Unwanted Sex Toys?

There is a nationwide sex toy recycling facility by sexual wellness brand NORMAL where you can only trade-in old sex toys, catch is they only really accept vibrators, so this isn't too helpful to us men who are trying to get rid of our old pocket pussies.

There are also quite a few sites that specialize in the disposal of women's old sex toys, such as the old vibrator again...

Unfortunately, in Australia options for recycling and disposing of men's adult toys aren’t that great… there are no dedicated sex toy recycling facilities or programs for pocket pussies throughout the whole of Australia!

It is therefore up to you to assess the material that comprises your sex toy (I.e. whether you have a silicone pocket pussy or a TPE pocket pussy) and then appropriately disposing of the sex toy accordingly.

When talking about the disposal of adult toys, there’s a difference between the disposal of devices (sex toys that charge or are battery operated) and adult toys that aren’t.

In some states like Victoria, devices are considered “electronic waste or e-waste” and there are legislations in place that prevent you from simply chucking your old vibrating cock ring into the general household bin and being done with it.

Other states don’t necessarily have the same legislation in place to prohibit sending “e-waste” to landfills but doing so can be really harmful to the environment, so if you’ve got a little more of a green thumb then here are a few more mindful ways to dispose of your sex toys:

1) Council

Councils generally provide local residents with a recycling program for their old “e-waste” products at specific "collection" or "drop-off" locations for free or at a small monetary expense.

Yes, your sex toys and other intimate electronic items are 100% treated as “e-waste” and your council has the obligation to treat them as so.

Regardless of where you live, you can always contact your local council for additional guidance.

Toys are always sterilised prior to moving forward, to make sure that any nasty germs or bodily fluids are fully removed from the old toys before they're recycled into new products. Council or private companies will often take out and dispose of your old sex toys batteries, then the toys are broken down into their raw materials. At this point, anything that can be salvaged and/or refurbished is kept as a sex toy but given a completely new coat of the same raw material it was originally made of.

Note: it can be hard for individuals offloading their sex toys to tell what actually becomes of them (as with anything you recycle) — if the old sex toys were actually recycled, just dumped into a landfill at a later stage of the recycling process or turned into a costly new non-recyclable item, loaded with toxic additives. Which, of course, is not ideal, especially with something as intimate as a sex toy.

2) Any Public E-waste Recycling Center

Similar to dropping off your unwanted adult toy at a council facility, there are a number of public e-waste recycling centres too.

Though be warned, while many public recycling centres can be unmanned, you might sometimes have workers sift through your unwanted e-waste in order to better categories and direct you to dispose of them into the right boxes.

Additionally, depending on your location it may be hard to find a recycling centre near you.

3) Personal Bins

Now, if your sex toy isn’t a “device” (such as a pocket pussy or fleshlight), then you’d figure that you can just throw it into your household trash or even a recycling bin.

Yes and no.

It is greatly debated whether you can or can't recycle rubber.

“Okay, then I’ll throw my pocket pussy into the household rubbish bin”

Yes, your pocket pussy won’t cause any severe problems like leaking harmful contaminants into the earth or spontaneously combusting, having rubber in a landfill isn’t great either.

This is because having something like a pocket pussy, which is built for durability, in a landfill means that it will likely never break down. Some people argue this is a good thing, as this means they’ll never break down into harmful microplastics.

The fact of the matter is that rubbers and silicones can be recycled or thrown away (but should be only as a last resort).

Technically, there isn’t an issue with tossing your used pocket pussy into your recycling or household trash bin.

4) Resale and Second-Hand Use

Before you get creeped out and back out of the article, hear me out.

More and more people are accepting the resale and second-hand use of sex toys.

Of course, toys are expected to be cleaned and sanitized so no icky germs get passed over to any new owners.

Once a toy is sanitized, it could be seen as good as new.

This is typically easier to do with non-porous adult toys as they don’t absorb anything from the body into their material.

To sterilize, you could use bleach, or you could boil your sex toy for 10 minutes (we don’t recommend bleaching or boiling your pocket pussy!), however, be careful of any electrical components within your toy.

For this reason, the boiling method generally only works for non-electrical toys like prostate massagers.

As for resale, there are plenty of online marketplaces that feature people from all over the whole reselling their second-hand or wanted sex toys, for example on Reddit.

5) Reuse

If you’re really bold, you could even reuse your unwanted pocket pussy or sex toy for other uses (or more so comical uses).

You can get really creative and use them in other parts of your home where visitors mightn’t even be none the wiser to them.

Just be sure to fully sterilize and disinfect your toy before deciding to give it a new life.

Check out how this guy reused his old torso (though we are aware this is most likely just for comical purposes).

Torso | SxDolled

Final Thoughts

It’s a sad day when your beloved sex toy comes to the end of its useful lifespan. Though, it’s always good to remember that nothing lasts forever and that includes sex toys.

Fortunately, we’ve outlined a number of ways for you to properly reuse, recycle or dispose of your used pocket pussy and/or other sex toys.

Any more questions or concerns? Please don’t hesitate to leave them in the comments below and share this article on your socials.

Want to see us stock a specific type of pocket pussy? Contact us and let us know!

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