How To Warm Up A Pocket Pussy - SxDolled

How To Warm Up A Pocket Pussy

So, you’ve picked up a pocket pussy, looks simple, there's an opening and you figure that’s where you put your penis in it. 

After a little while you wonder, how do I make my pocket pussy feel more like the real thing? One of the ways to do so is by simply heating it up to a realistic body temperature.

If you want a truly realistic experience, you’ll want to warm up your pocket pussy first as doing so will better simulate a real vagina giving you a completely different and intensified experience than with a cold pocket pussy.

Heating your pocket pussy hits the nail on the head, if you're not warming it up before use you're losing out on a lot of its potential.

Without further ado, let’s get into the techniques to warm up your pocket pussy.


How to Warm Up Your Pocket Pussy

Before we begin, let’s get into what you should NOT do.

You should never boil, use a hot air/convection oven, nor do we recommend microwaving your pocket pussy. If for some reason, you choose to boil or microwave your pocket pussy anyways then you will jeopardise its material integrity causing it to break down, ruining it.

Using a hair dryer may damage the material of your sex toy over time, especially if you're blowing hot air too close to the skin like material. You may think, I will just use the hair dryer at a safe distance then. Not only is this impractical but very hard to pull off, not to mention repeatedly.

TLDR: Never use hot water, hot air/convection oven, hair dryer, or a microwave to warm up your sex toys. 

Remember, to always test the waters before inserting your penis into a heated pocket pussy. Lube up your fingers first and insert them slowly into your pocket pussy to see if its at optimal temperature.

Now, with what not to do out of the way, let’s get into the correct techniques and methods to warm up your pocket pussy:


1) Use Warm Water

This first one is the most popular method and it's a no brainer!

Fill up a container that’s large enough to fit your pocket pussy inside it with warm water (always check the water temperature and never use hot water). Then, as you’ve guessed, place your pocket pussy into the container, letting it sit for a minimum of 15 minutes. An effective method to keep it warm for longer, you can wrap a small towel around your pocket pussy before giving it a warm water bath, then leaving it wrapped while you use it, though make sure you strain out as much water as you can after taking your sex toy out of its warm bath if you don’t want a puddle in your room.


Boiling Water | SxDolled

2) Use a Towel Warmer

A more niche way to warm up your pocket pussy, but, you could try lining your towel warmer racks with thickly folded towels, then putting your pocket pussy in the center lightly covering it with another or the same towel. Leave it for about 10 minutes for the best results.



3) Use An Electric Heating Pad Or Electric Blanket

An electric blanket features adjustable heat settings that help you heat up your sex toy to your desired level.

Set your electric blanket pad to low, maybe medium if you find it necessary. Roll up your pocket pussy inside of the electric blanket and let it sit for 10 – 20 minutes.

Pro tip: you can throw in your lube bottle into the towel too, that way you'll get both a warm pocket pussy and the lube warm enough to replicate the real thing. After 10 - 20 minutes, pour some warm lube inside your sleeve canal and enjoy the pleasurable experience.

If you're planning on having a marathon session, you could even opt to switching your electric blanket to its lowest setting and keeping your pocket pussy wrapped while you use it to prevent it from naturally cooling down.

CAUTION: using higher heating settings may result in your pocket pussies melting, or if you manage to get it out before it melts, it may have internally heated up too much which gives risk to you burning the delicate skin of your penis.

As a rule of thumb, don't go more than a couple of degrees over body temperature.


4) Use a Warming Wand

These are specially designed and dedicated wands made to heat the interior of your pocket pussy. Consult the specific instructions of the warming wand you’ve bought to find out the specifics of usage and usage time.

Similar to the Fleshlight sleeve warmer rod. In fact, you could use a fleshlight sleeve warmer rod to warm up your pocket pussy too!

5) Warm-Up Your Lube

While warming up your lube is not exactly a method to warm up your pocket pussy, it does add an extra touch when paired with a warmed-up pocket pussy. This can be achieved simply but placing your lube into warm water (do not use hot water) then waiting about 10 – 15 minutes for the lube to get thinner in consistency and warmer to the touch.

To be safe, do not heat your lube inside the microwave or to temperatures excessively over body temperature.

There you have it, those are the best ways to warm your sex toys.


Cooling Down Your Pocket Pussy

I thought I might just add this one in too.

If you're in the land of down under like I am, you know damn well that some days get real stinking hot real quick. On these 30, 40-degree days the last thing you’d want is to warm up your pocket pussy because you're probably already overheated as it is.

Here is two methods to cool down your pocket pussy instead of warming it up.


1) Use Cold Water

No surprise here, much like warming up your pocket pussy with warm water (do not use hot water), you can do the opposite of that and cool it down instead by submerging it in cold water (ice cold water works great) for a minimum of 10 minutes.


Ice Bucket | SxDolled

2) Put It In The Fridge

This one’s simple. Just put your pocket pussy in the fridge for a minimum of 20 minutes. Though be careful with this technique as anyone who then opens and looks inside your fridge might be treated to a little surprise.

CAUTION: do NOT freeze your pocket pussy. Much like boiling your pocket pussy, taking it to the opposite extreme is just as bad and can also compromise the integrity of its material causing it to degrade and get ruined.

Believe me, cooling down your pocket pussy provides a whole new experience. After the initial shock of the cold, you’ll find yourself enjoying this spine-tingling new sensation. So, even if isn’t a scorcher outside today, you might want to try cooling down your pocket pussy anyway or keeping this one in your arsenal for next time.


Final Thoughts

These are a number of creative ways to enhance your pocket pussy usage to guarantee you'll never get bored!

Now, that you know the best ways to warm up and cool down your pocket pussies, go forth and experience their full potentials.

Any more questions or concerns? Please don’t hesitate to leave them in the comments below and share this article on your socials.


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