Sex Doll Sound Systems (Moaning) |  naughtydownunder

Sex Doll Sound Systems (Moaning)

If you want to add an extra level of realism to your sexual sessions with your sex doll, consider upgrading to a sound or moaning system. With this enhancement, your sex doll can vocalize and moan while you engage in intimate activities, allowing you to experience a more lifelike connection with your sex doll.

These systems have become increasingly popular among sex doll owners and are a worthwhile investment to make your experience more immersive. It's important to note, however, that not all sex doll brands offer the same level of sound or moaning capabilities. Some only provide moaning options, while others have advanced features such as voice commands and motion sensors for an even more interactive experience. Please keep in mind that these systems are still developing.

In this article, we aim to address common questions about sex doll sound systems and moaning features, so you can make an informed decision when upgrading your sex doll to the next level.



1) Sex doll sound systems are an enhancement that adds a more realistic and immersive experience to intimate sessions with sex dolls.

2) The sound device in sex dolls is usually located in the head, creating the illusion that the sound comes from the mouth. Some dolls have the sound mechanism in the upper body.

3) Charging the sound system is a simple process using the supplied power cord, and most systems use rechargeable batteries.

4) Precautions should be taken to avoid damaging the sex doll or the sound system, including keeping the head and neck moisture-free and avoiding exposure to water.

5) Not all sex dolls have adjustable volume for the moaning sound system.

6) Some advanced AI-powered sex dolls can learn and interact with custom sounds by connecting to the internet.

7) It's essential to choose reputable brands that offer reliable and safe sound systems for sex dolls.


How Does A Sex Doll Sound System Work?

Sex dolls with sound systems have a sound device installed within the head of the sex doll that produces moaning sounds when manually activated through a switch or button. The motion sensors installed inside the doll detect movement and touch, causing the sex doll to moan in response. Some advanced AI-powered sex dolls are capable of responding to questions, creating a more lifelike experience.
Learn more about Ai sex dolls from our article "Ai sex robot version 4.2 all you need to know". 
To operate, sex doll sound systems require an external power source to charge an internal battery. The moaning systems are typically easy to operate and consist of four main components: an on/off button, an adapter with an input chord for low voltage, a microphone for receiving sound, and battery-operated speakers.

Where Is The Sound Produced In Sex Dolls?

For most sex doll manufacturers, the sound mechanism is located in the head of the sex doll. Popular brands such as SINO Doll, Ai-TECH, WM Dolls, OR Dolls, and YL Doll have their sound systems installed inside the doll's head, creating the illusion that the sound is coming from the sex doll's mouth.
However, some brands like AS Dolls have their sound mechanism located in the upper body of the sex doll, close to the neck. This placement produces sound that appears to be coming from the upper torso area.
Furthermore, not all sex doll brands offer a similar sound or moaning system. Some only offer moaning options while some manufacturers have designed dolls that take voice commands and use motion sensors to enhance the user experience.

How To Charge The Sound System In Sex Dolls?

Most sound systems use rechargeable batteries and you can easily charge using a supplied power chord. The batteries of a sex doll sound system can go through hundreds of charging cycles before needing to be replaced. Charging a sex doll's sound system is a straightforward process that can be accomplished with the charging power cord. Simply plug the cord into any wall outlet and connect it to the sex doll's charging port to begin charging the internal batteries. Most realistic dolls have the charging port located on the doll's head. The power cord supplies a low voltage/current to the moaning system, making it safe to touch your sex doll while the sound system is charging.

Where Is The Charging Port Located In Sex Dolls? 

For most realistic sex dolls, the charging port is located on the sex doll's head. Simply plug in the charging cord and begin charging. However, sex dolls by AS Dolls have a charging socket located on the moaning device itself, which must be removed from the body to be charged.

Does The Sound System Come With A Backup Battery?

Unfortunately no, however, most sex doll sound systems are equipped with rechargeable batteries that can be charged using the power cord. These batteries can last for hundreds of charging cycles before they need to be replaced.

Are The Sounds Pre-Installed Or Can You Upload Custom Audio In Sex Dolls? 

Sex dolls that only have the moaning sound feature typically come with pre-recorded moaning sounds, available in different languages such as English, French, and Chinese. However, AI-Tech dolls offer a unique feature where they can learn any sound and interact with their users. By connecting the AI sex doll to the internet, users can make their doll learn any sound they desire, making for a fascinating upgrade.

Can You Adjust The Volume On The Moaning Sound System? 

Unfortunately, adjusting the volume on the moaning sound system is not currently a feature present on any sex dolls

What Precautions Should You Take When Using A Sex Doll Fitted With A Sound System? 

When using a sex doll sound system, it is important to take certain precautions to avoid damaging your sex doll or the sound system. Ensure that your sex doll's head and neck region remain moisture-free and never splash water on any of the charging ports or buttons. It is also recommended not to move your sex doll while the power cord is plugged in and the system is charging, and to avoid showering with your sex doll. If you’re planning to take your sex doll into the shower, ensure that the charging ports are properly sealed, and never submerge your sex doll's head in the water. Additionally, handle your sex doll gently and avoid squeezing or banging her head, and never place any heavy objects on your sex doll's head.
You may hear from other sex doll vendors that if your sex doll's moaning system is attached to it's head, you can just remove the head and shower or bathe with your doll. This advice could not be further from the truth, I do not recommend bathing your doll if it has a moaning system installed anywhere on it's head or in its body, even if you've sealed the charging port.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, adding a sound or moaning system to your sex doll can provide a more immersive and lifelike experience during intimate sessions. However, it's important to note that not all sex doll brands offer the same level of sound or moaning capabilities. Charging the sound system is a straightforward process, and most sex dolls have their charging ports located on the head. It is essential to take precautions when using a sex doll with a sound system to avoid damaging your doll or the system. Overall, with proper care and use, a sex doll sound system can be a worthwhile investment for those seeking a more realistic and satisfying experience.

At SxDolled, our goal is to make the shopping experience as stress-free and convenient as possible for our customers. By prioritizing customer satisfaction, we are committed to helping our customers make informed decisions about their purchases and providing support and assistance throughout the entire shopping process. We're also always happy to share insightful information and help you identify the perfect sex doll for you.

Sex dolls are a simple solution to meet your needs physically and emotionally. Whether you require a curvy or slim doll or a busty or flat doll, there is a sex doll out there for you and if there isn’t we’ll simply customise one for you! Spice up your sex life, buy your adult toys or your sex doll online with us today!

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We only collaborate with certified sex doll manufacturers, who produce the best love dolls in the world. We only supply the most realistic and high end silicone dolls and TPE dolls made on the market.

What are you waiting for? If you need help customising your sex doll, please contact us via email.

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