Sex Dolls For Couples: Everything You Need To Know

Sex Dolls for Couples: Everything You Need To Know | SxDolled

Sex Dolls for Couples: Everything You Need To Know

August 23, 2023



  • How to Choose a Sex Doll for Couples?
  • Sex Dolls for Couples: What You Should Try
  • Beyond the Bedroom: The Added Perks of Sex Dolls for Couples
  • Final Thoughts

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In recent times, we've witnessed an impressive surge in the fascination with sex dolls. These meticulously designed silicone companions have captivated those in search of distinct and gratifying sexual encounters. The advantages they bring are diverse, infusing life with revitalized passion, sheer delight, and a means to invigorating and imaginative intimate explorations. The magnetic allure of these lifelike partners is undeniable. But what's the story for couples? Can sex dolls also inject value and exhilaration into committed relationships?

Engineered with dual openings, often featuring both vaginal and anal options, sex dolls are purposefully crafted to accommodate the engagement of two individuals at once. As a result, they can serve as an electrifying and audacious extension of a couple's intimate journey. Empowering partners to delve into their most profound sexual yearnings, infuse excitement into their bedroom escapades, and potentially reinforce their emotional bonds through shared activities.

So, join me as we dive into the realm of sex dolls tailored explicitly for couples. Together, we'll unveil all the essential aspects of this captivating dimension within modern relationships.

Key Takeaways

What to look for when choosing a sex doll for couples:

Set a budget to align price with sex doll quality, features, and craftsmanship.

Consider size based on living space and preferences.

Opt for quality materials like silicone or TPE for a realistic tactile experience.

Discuss and agree on sex doll design and features to ensure compatibility.

Sexual exploration possibilities with sex dolls are:

• Threesome Fantasies: Use sex dolls to fulfill threesome fantasies without involving a third party.

• Anal Adventures: Sex dolls can cater to anal play preferences, promoting communication and understanding.

• Roleplay Extravaganza: Sex dolls enable creative roleplaying scenarios for immersive experiences.

• Masturbation Magic: Incorporate sex dolls for solo play or shared pleasure, enhancing voyeuristic dynamics.

• BDSM Discovery: Sex dolls provide a safe space for couples to experiment with BDSM elements.

• Erotic Education: Utilize sex dolls for mutual sexual education and growth.

Here are some of the added perks of sex dolls for couples:

• Bridge Fantasy and Reality: Use sex dolls to explore desires and fantasies in a safe environment.

• New Experiences: Introduce sex dolls for novel positions and scenarios, keeping passion alive.

• No Judgment Zone: Sex dolls offer a judgment-free space to freely explore desires.

• Boosted Libido: Sex dolls inject excitement, revitalizing intimacy in long-term relationships.

• Skills Improvement: Experimentation with sex dolls helps partners enhance their sexual skills.

• Enhanced Communication: Sex dolls foster open conversations about desires, deepening trust.

• No Commitment, No Problem: Sex dolls provide a commitment-free way to explore new experiences.

How to Choose a Sex Doll for Couples?

Choosing the ideal sex doll for you and your partner might seem like a rather overwhelming endeavor, especially when confronted with the sheer abundance of mind-boggling choices available in today's market. Fear not, for embarking on this quest doesn't have to be a head-spinning experience. To ensure a selection that brings delight and harmony, here are some pivotal factors to take into account:

1) Budget

Before you dive headfirst into the captivating world of sex doll shopping, it's time to talk cold, hard cash. Setting your budget in stone before you embark on this journey is absolutely essential. The price tags on sex dolls can vary as wildly as a rollercoaster ride, ranging from a modest thousand dollars to the princely sum of several thousand. What's the secret behind this price rollercoaster? It's all about sex doll quality, features, and craftsmanship. To ensure you're getting the best bang for your buck (pun intended), a little pre-purchase research is a must. Further, don't forget to strike that delicate balance between price and quality – your future self will thank you for steering clear of buyer's remorse.

For more detail, check out "sex doll price guide, how much does a sex doll cost?".

2) Size

Yes, size does matter – but it's not just about personal preference. When it comes to sex dolls, they come in an assortment of sizes that range from pocket-sized cuties to life-sized wonders that could give a department store mannequin a run for its money. Each size comes with its own set of perks and considerations. Now, here's the reality check: before you make your size selection, consider your living situation. If your dwelling space is cozier than a cat in a shoebox, a compact sex doll might just be your saving grace. On the flip side, embracing a life-sized beauty can offer an experience so real and immersive that you might forget you're not starring in your very own rom-com.

For more, check out "choosing the right size sex doll".

3) Material

When it comes to getting up close and personal with your chosen sex doll, the material matters. In fact, it's a bit like choosing the perfect pair of jeans – you want something that feels soft, supple, and just right. Opt for a realistic sex doll crafted from top-tier materials like silicone or TPE (that's thermoplastic elastomer). These materials are the VIP pass to a tactile encounter that's eerily close to the real deal. Now, you might be thinking about those latex sex dolls. Sure, they might have their allure, but they're a bit like that high-maintenance friend who always needs a hand. They're less common due to their tendency to tear and their penchant for demanding a bit more TLC (tender loving care).

For a detailed comparison between TPE and silicone, check out "choosing a sex doll: TPE vs silicone".

4) Design

Welcome to the artsy side of sex doll shopping! The realm of sex doll design is a mixed bag of possibilities that caters to even the most outlandish of desires. From sex dolls that mirror human features with such precision they could make a wax figure blush, to fantasy or anime-themed sex dolls that have more exaggerated attributes than your favorite anime, the choices are boundless. But here's the golden rule: ensure you and your partner are on the same page when it comes to design. Trust me, there's nothing like a surprise sex doll delivery that leaves one partner amused and the other just plain confused.

5) Features

Let's kick it up a notch and talk about the bells and whistles – and no, I'm not referring to the kind that plays a catchy tune. Some sex dolls come with a cavalcade of extra features, making them feel like the James Bond of the sex doll world. Think built-in warming mechanisms, tantalizing vibrations, and yes, even voice control straight out of a futuristic sci-fi flick. Now, while these added perks can undoubtedly crank up the heat in your playtime, they might also cause your wallet to whimper a bit. So, before you dive in, huddle up with your partner and put on your decision-making hats. Figure out which features are must-haves, and which ones might just be a fanciful touch to a playful pursuit.

So, whether you're diving into the world of sex doll shopping or doing some reconnaissance for your friends (wink), keep these key considerations in mind. Because, in the end, finding your perfect plastic partner should be a thrilling adventure rather than an overwhelming odyssey.

Sex Dolls for Couples: What You Should Try

Once you and your partner have taken the plunge into the intriguing realm of exploring sex dolls together, a treasure trove of exhilarating possibilities lies ahead. Here's a look at some sizzling avenues to elevate your intimate escapades:

1) Threesome Fantasies

Fulfilling the shared fantasy of a threesome can be an exciting, yet potentially complicated endeavor. Introducing a sex doll into the equation offers a safe and enjoyable avenue to explore this tantalizing scenario. With a realistic sex doll in the mix, both partners can experience the thrill of a threesome without navigating the emotional complexities that can arise when involving a real third party. This opens up new dimensions of pleasure and experimentation within the comfort of your own space, making it an intriguing option for couples seeking to amplify their intimate experiences.

Check out "understanding sexual fantasies and exploring them safely".

2) Anal Adventures

When it comes to exploring anal play, couples might find themselves on different pages. A sex doll that enthusiastically accommodates anal experiences can bridge this gap in preferences. For one partner interested in delving into the world of anal pleasure, your sex doll offers a chance to indulge without causing any discomfort or hesitation to the other partner. This creates an opportunity for open communication, mutual understanding, and shared exploration, ultimately fostering a more exciting and fulfilling intimate connection.

For more detail, check out our article "what you need to know about anal sex".

3) Roleplay Extravaganza

Roleplaying can be an exhilarating way to infuse novelty and creativity into your intimate moments. With a sex doll, the possibilities are virtually limitless. Couples can take on different personas, scenarios, and fantasies, transforming their bedroom into a stage for imaginative adventures. Whether you're donning the role of a passionate pirate, a mysterious spy, or even a space explorer, your sex doll adds a touch of realism to these fantasies, making the experience all the more immersive and memorable.

4) Masturbation Magic

Introducing a sex doll into your solo play and shared experiences can be a thrilling way to explore new dimensions of pleasure. One partner can interact with your sex doll while the other enjoys self-pleasure, creating an erotic dance of anticipation and desire. This voyeuristic dynamic enhances intimacy by allowing partners to witness each other's pleasure firsthand. It's a sensual show that not only titillates the senses but also strengthens the bond between partners, fostering a deeper level of connection.

5) BDSM Discovery

For couples curious about BDSM, a sex doll can serve as a valuable tool for experimentation. Whether you're exploring bondage, dominance, submission, or any other aspect of kink, your sex doll provides a non-judgmental space to test the waters. Couples can try out different positions, restraints, and scenarios using their sex doll before incorporating these newfound interests into their own interactions. It's like having a practice partner who's always ready to play, without the need for any elaborate safe words.

6) Erotic Education

The sex doll can be an instrumental tool for couples looking to expand their sexual horizons. It offers a unique opportunity for sexual education and growth. Whether it's one partner guiding the other through new experiences or techniques, or both partners learning together, your sex doll provides a platform for open communication and shared discovery. This process not only enhances the physical aspects of the relationship but also deepens the emotional connection, fostering a space of trust and vulnerability.

So, as you venture into this playful world of possibilities, remember that the journey should be as delightful as the destination. Now, let's dive into these steamy suggestions and discover how they can spice up your sex life!

Beyond the Bedroom: The Added Perks of Sex Dolls for Couples

When it comes to relationships, the conversation about sex dolls extends far beyond their potential to stir up excitement in the bedroom. Here's a closer look at the array of benefits these lifelike partners can bring to couples:

1) Bridge the Gap Between Fantasies and Reality

Ever had those secret fantasies that feel like they belong in a steamy romance novel? Realistic sex dolls offer the chance to turn those fantasies into flesh-and-blood (well, silicone) experiences. From delving into BDSM to trying on various roles in adventurous role-plays, or even tiptoeing into the intrigue of a third-party encounter, your sex doll is your reliable partner in crime. It's like having a co-conspirator to explore your deepest desires that might otherwise have remained confined to your imagination.

2) New Unforgettable Experiences

Life's all about trying new things, right? Well, that applies to the bedroom too. You may want to introduce sex toys, such as sex dolls, into your intimate repertoire is like opening up a treasure chest of tantalizing possibilities. With a multitude of positions and scenarios waiting to be explored, your sex doll transforms into your personal adventure guide. It's the gift that keeps on giving, reinventing passion and desire, and proving that there's always room for new experiences, even when you think you've seen it all. For more added fun you can also consider; cock rings, sex games, anal stimulators, couples vibrators, butt plugs, g spot vibrators, the possibilities are endless!

3) No Judgment Zone

Picture this: a partner that's completely non-judgmental and totally up for anything. Enter the sex doll. This inanimate companion creates a safe haven where couples can fearlessly explore their wildest sexual fantasies. No raised eyebrows, no disapproving looks – just a willingness to make your dreams come true. It's a space where you can test the waters of your desires without the fear of condemnation. This judgment-free attitude isn't just liberating; it's like a permission slip to unleash your imagination.

4) Boosted Libido

Even the most passionate relationships can experience a lull in the excitement department over time. Enter the sex doll, ready to inject a shot of energy into the mix. It's like a catalyst for rejuvenating intimacy. By bringing something fresh and novel to the table, your sex doll can light the spark anew. Suddenly, what seemed routine becomes an adventure, and what felt mundane turns into a thrill – all thanks to your newfound plastic playmate.

5) Skills Improvement

Practice makes perfect, and that saying isn't limited to piano lessons. The sex doll offers an opportunity for you and your partner to finesse your bedroom skills. By experimenting and exploring together, you'll not only gain confidence but also uncover new tricks and techniques that can make your intimate moments even more satisfying. Think of it as a training ground for pleasure, where you both can level up your game.

6) Enhanced Communication

Sometimes, the presence of a third party can work wonders for communication. No, not your nosy neighbour – we're talking about the sex doll. It encourages open conversations about desires, fantasies, and boundaries. Sharing these intimate thoughts fosters a level of trust and understanding that can be hard to achieve otherwise. As you explore new sexual avenues together, your emotional bond deepens, creating a connection that's as emotional as it is physical.

7) No Commitment, No Problem

Maybe you've toyed with the idea of adding an extra person to your bedroom antics, but commitment concerns are holding you back. Enter the sex doll, your commitment-free companion. It's like dipping your toes into the water before taking the plunge. You can experiment discreetly and safely, satisfying your desires without any emotional complications. Think of it as a "try before you buy" scenario, minus the pressure.

So, there you have it – realistic sex dolls aren't just about steamy rendezvous. They're about opening up conversations, exploring boundaries, and injecting a whole lot of fun into your relationship. Who knew that a little silicone could pave the way for a lot of connections?

Final Thoughts

The process of choosing a sex doll for couples can feel overwhelming, given the wide array of options available. However, it doesn't have to be a daunting task. Start by setting a clear budget that aligns with your preferences and expectations. Prices vary significantly based on quality and features, so researching will ensure that you're making a well-informed investment.

Consider the size of your sex doll in relation to your living space. Whether you opt for a compact or life-sized sex doll, it's essential to choose a size that fits comfortably within your environment. Material is another crucial factor; materials like silicone or TPE offer a realistic and tactile experience, enhancing the overall sensation.

When it comes to design, choose a style that both you and your partner find appealing and exciting. From realistic to fantasy-inspired options, finding a design that resonates with your desires can contribute to a more fulfilling experience. Lastly, assess the features offered by different sex dolls. While advanced features like warming mechanisms and controls can enhance your encounter, be sure to select those that align with your preferences and budget. Ultimately, with these factors in mind, the journey of choosing a sex doll can lead to a more exciting and satisfying intimate connection for you and your partner.

At SxDolled, our goal is to make your shopping experience as stress-free and convenient as possible. By prioritizing customer satisfaction, we are committed to helping our customers make informed decisions about their purchases and providing support and assistance throughout the entire shopping process. We're also always happy to share insightful information and help you identify the perfect sex doll for you.

Sex dolls are a simple solution to meet your needs physically and emotionally. Whether you're after a slim or BBW sex doll, female sex dolls or male sex dolls (that's right you can purchase a male sex doll too), there is a love doll out there for you and if there isn’t we’ll simply customise one for you! Spice up your sex life, buy sex dolls and sex toys online with us today!

We offer free shipping and delivery with all love doll orders.

We only collaborate with certified sex doll manufacturers, who produce the best love dolls in the world. We only supply the most realistic and high quality silicone sex dolls and TPE sex dolls in the sex doll industry.

What are you waiting for? If you need help customising your love doll, please contact us via email.

Want to see us stock specific types of sex dolls or sex toys (we do not supply mini sex dolls, small sex dolls or medium sex dolls for legal reasons)? Contact us and let us know!

Article by

Ray King

Head of Content at SxDolled (Basically, I'm the guy responsible for ensuring that every blog post we publish is accurate, entertaining, but most importantly EPIC).

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