How Does A Pocket Pussy Work? |  naughtydownunder

How Does A Pocket Pussy Work?

Some men's sex toys, such as the pocket pussy, are rapidly gaining a reputation for their good quality and pure sexual pleasure. However, even though men's masturbation products offer a great opportunity for an explosive sexual release like none before, many men are too embarrassed to purchase them, preventing many men from enhancing their sex lives to the fullest.

To answer this question, I think it’s important to first define “what is a pocket pussy?”.

To put it simply, a pocket pussy is an artificial/fake/rubber vagina, whatever way you’d like to put it, made for male sexual enjoyment and penetrative sex. Typically, pocket pussies come in a shape of a tube with an inner sleeve or lining and a moulded exterior end most commonly in the shape of a vagina but sometimes anuses, mouths, or a combination of the three.

The inside of pocket pussies can be narrow or wide and smooth or ridged. Typically, ridged sleeves come in a variety of styles mainly composed of a combination of twists, ridges, and bumps throughout the sleeve for added stimulation.

If you want the in-depth explanation head on over to our other article which explains what exactly a pocket pussy is.


So, How Does a Pocket Pussy Work?

Now that you have a basic idea of what a pocket pussy is, we can now get into how pocket pussies work.

As previously stated, artificial vaginas have an internal sleeve/inner wall that can come smooth or in a combination of twists, ridges, and bumps. This essentially simulates the internal lining of real vaginas, where each vagina is as unique as the next.

Pocket pussies are an easy way for you to spice up your masturbation sessions as they mimick the real thing more closely than any other male sex toy.

Sleeves can be very varied. The simplest sleeves are plain tight tubes, but many are designed with ridges, twists, and bumps to give you a different experience based on which toy use. 

When you insert your penis inside your pocket pussy, with water based lube of course, and thrust away, your penis is stimulated as if it has entered into a real vagina. Being a way more stimulating counterpart to your bare hands and you’ll often find yourself reaching more intense orgasms faster than ever before.


How often can you use a pocket pussy?

You can use it as many times as you’d like, though a potential risk you should keep in mind with prolonged and excessive usage is that it could lead to sexual exhaustion. Sexual exhaustion can cause a wide range of issues throughout your body, so we recommend limiting yourself to a healthy number of uses daily or weekly (this is entirely up to what you reasonably see fit). 


Tips and Tricks

Here are a few of our simple tips and tricks to make the most of your pocket pussy to gain the best possible experience with it. There are a lot of different things you can do to enhance your sex life and enjoy when using sex toys.

  • Prepare: Preparing before you start can save you lots of headache and time after you’ve finished. Make sure to keep a towel and/or tissues around before you start to help ease post-nut cleaning.
  • Use lubricant: Believe me, you’ll want to use some lubrication for maximum pleasure and to avoid irritating and chafing your penis. We recommend using ONLY water-based lubricants as any other types of lubricants such as silicone, oil or hybrid-based lubes will deteriorate your pocket pussy or simply be impossible to clean off. Also, remember to lubricate both your penis and your pocket pussy for easier insertion and spreading of lubricant.
  • Use condoms: using a condom might be your best bet in avoiding creating a mess inside your pocket pussy. Once you’ve done your business you can simply take the condom off and dispose of it, leaving little cleanup for your male masturbator.
    CAUTION: Be wary of the type of condom you choose to use, as some pre-lubricated condoms will react with your pocket pussy deteriorating it. The best condoms to use are non-oil-based condoms that are not pre-lubricated.
  • Use a firm grip: Due to the suction coming from a vacuum forming, if your pocket pussy is particularly tight there is the possibility of your penis abruptly popping out of your sex toy. This could lead to your sex toy hitting you or, more likely, it could fall onto your dirty floor.
  • Overcoming stress and anxiety by practicing for the real thing. Improve your sexual stamina by trying to last longer each time you use your artificial vagina allowing you to control your ejaculation and overcome premature ejaculation.
  • Pre-cleanup: Remember to always hold the open end (and the other end if you have a double sided toy) of your pocket pussies upwards after you’ve done your business to prevent any spillage on the way to the bathroom to clean your sex toy.
  • Try it in the shower: most pocket pussies are suitable to be used in the shower. This really helps with clean up as you can wash your pocket pussy and yourself at the same time. You could even use the water as lubrication, however, this isn’t recommended as it can cause a lot of friction and potentially cause tears in your sex toy. Something you really do not want.
    Note: Vibrating pocket pussies that have extra features should not be used in the shower as any water that seeps into the electrical components of the pocket pussy will most likely damage and decrease the longevity of your pocket pussy.
  • Try it hands free: next time put down your pocket pussy or place it between the cushions of your couch and try it hands free! This will give you the best and most realistic experience possible with a male masturbator.


How to Clean Your Pocket Pussy

Cleaning is an integral part of using a pocket pussy. For a full and detailed guide on how to properly clean your pocket pussy, you can head on over to our article on “how to clean a pocket pussy”. Though here is a quick rundown of the most important points of that article.

We advise cleaning your pocket pussy before and after using it. This is because bacteria and mold can accumulate and build up inside your sex toy if it hasn’t been cleaned and dried properly. Therefore, cleaning before and after use is essentially a provision to prevent your penis from coming into contact with any bacteria or mold build up which could lead to unwanted irritation or infections.

It's also important that you do NOT share your pocket pussies with anyone else. By choosing to share your pocket pussies you have the possibility of contracting any possibly STIs or STDs they may have. Our unique bodies home many different and unique bacteria which may be fine for ourselves but wreak havoc on someone else’s.


Final Thoughts

To sum up, pocket pussies work as they act and feel like a real vagina. You can use your pocket pussy however much and whenever you’d like, within reason of course.

Remember to always use plenty of lubrication, clean your pocket pussy well and never share you pocket pussy.

Any more questions or concerns? Please don’t hesitate to leave them in the comments below and share this article on your socials.

Want to see us stock a specific type of pocket pussy? Contact us and let us know!


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