How To Clean A Pocket Pussy
Cleaning is an integral part of maintaining a pocket pussy, as with any male masturbator or any sex toy for that matter. Although compared to other sex toys, most pocket pussies are without a doubt one of the most important sex toys to maintain and keep clean. Pocket pussies can be the perfect breeding ground for bacteria to grow as it is a dark, warm and moist sex toy (especially so if you ejaculate in it).
Luckily we’ve got you covered, cleaning your pocket pussy does not have to be a chore but can be done with very little effort.
Cleaning and Maintenance of Your Pocket Pussy
I know you may not want to hear this but without proper cleaning and maintenance of your pocket pussy it can quickly become gross and a breeding ground for bacteria. You’ll, with anything, need to stay on top of keeping your sex toy clean to ensure its longevity.
Choosing an open-ended pocket pussy can make cleaning easier, though with this you lose out on a better feeling and more realistic closed-end pocket pussy. So, how do you clean a pocket pussy?
You might want to just dunk your sex toys in soap and water and be done with it.
The first step in cleaning sex toys is figuring out what material your toy is made of. You can divide most sex toys into two broad categories: porous materials and nonporous materials. If the material is porous, that means it has tiny holes (like pores) that can harbor bacteria, fungi, and general gunk.
Porous sex toys are typically made from fabric, leather, hard plastic, and rubber (including thermoplastic rubber (TPR), thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), and jelly rubber).
Nonporous toys are generally made from medical grade silicone, stainless steel, and borosilicate glass (these materials are typically easier to clean more thoroughly).
Note: if you can pull out and prevent yourself from ejaculating inside your pocket pussy this will of course make cleaning a lot easier, though I know it is difficult to pull out sometimes.
Now to the essential steps to thoroughly cleaning any male sex toy:
1) After you’ve finished, if there are any electronics involved, make sure to unplug, cover or remove these before washing. NEVER submerge any electrical components underwater, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
2) Wipe down your pocket pussy with a damp cloth and soapy warm water (preferably one that isn’t oil based) solution, antibacterial sex toy cleaning spray or other sex toy cleaning products that are made specifically for the cleaning of soft sex toys.
3) Flush out your pocket pussy with soapy lukewarm water (Note: do not use hot water as this might damage the material of your sex toy and make any bodily fluids harder to clean and remove).
3) Open the hole of your pocket pussy slightly to insert two fingers into your toy to thoroughly flush everything out of all the nooks and crannies of your sex toy (this is done by running water through your toy then turning it upside down to drain it out).
4) Dry the inside and outside of your pocket pussy thoroughly (which can be done with a clean and dry towel or placed on a rack) (Do NOT ever leave your sex toys on the window seal to dry). You can dry your pocket pussy by simply letting it air dry for an extended period of time or using a blow dryer on a lower and cooler setting.
Also, using heat to dry your pocket pussy can speed up the process, but too much heat might cause permanent damage to your toy. As a rule of thumb, don't heat your pocket pussy above body temperature and avoid exposing it to anything above room temperature for long periods of time.
For more detailed explanations and methods in the drying process of your pocket pussy head on over to our other article explaining how to dry your pocket pussy.
5) Apply a light coat of corn starch to your pocket pussy. This helps to keep it clean and dry, preventing any chance of bacteria building up.
6) Do NOT ever boil your pocket pussy or place your pocket pussy inside of your dishwasher (using hot water could melt your toy), unless explicitly stated it’s otherwise that your toy is dishwasher safe.
Note: different materials will react differently to different types of soaps , so its vital that you know your pocket pussy well and clean it according to its needs. For example with our pocket pussies its recommended to only use a small amount of gentle or mild soap that is not oil based and non-fragranced.
If you don’t clean your pocket pussy well or use the wrong type of soap or cleaner solution then your sex toy may end up deteriorating and may end up feeling a little sticky or gooey.
How Often Should You Clean Your Pocket Pussy?
This is a commonly asked question, where there really is just one set answer. You need to clean your pocket pussy after every use. There is no way around it, you need to clean your fake vagina after every single use. To maintain and avoid your pocket pussy from causing harm to your penis, you need to make a habit of properly cleaning your sex toys after every single use. The sooner you get it done, the better and the sooner its out of the way.
While not being a necessity, it is good practice for you to even clean your pocket pussy before use.
Most people, understandably, won’t bother cleaning their pocket pussy before use as it most likely hasn’t gotten dirty since the last time they’ve used it if you’ve kept it stored away properly. While this is somewhat true, if you happened to not clean your sex toy well after your last use there are still plenty of opportunities for bacteria to grow and accumulate inside your pocket pussy as it is being stored.
One common major issue is if you don’t manage to get your pocket pussy completely dried after cleaning and before storing it away. This moisture acts as a perfect breeding ground for mould, and trust me you don’t want to be repeatedly thrusting your penis into mold. Cleaning before use essentially, allows you to completely avoid any potential risks.
Storage of your pocket pussy
If you want your pocket pussy to last, you should definitely do one better than just chucking it into your top drawer. You don’t want to deal with a dusty sex toy, do you?
Firstly before any storage is done, make sure your pocket pussy is completely dry. As mentioned previously, moisture in your pocket pussy can cause issues such as bacteria accumulation and mold growth.
If your sex toy comes with a case or bag, we recommend keeping that pocket pussy in that for storage. Otherwise, you can opt to use a nice clean box or case for storage. Some men even wrap theirs in clean and lint-free towels/cloths to keep their pocket pussies safe and clean. Then place your sex toy in a cool, dry and dust free environment of your choosing.
It is recommended if you have multiple pocket pussies to store them in separate boxes/bags as the material of pocket pussies can sometimes react with each other and cause them to degrade. So always make sure to store your sex toys separately and away from touching anything of similar material.
Be on the lookout for cracks, moldy odors or excessive moisture. If you live somewhere that’s particularly humid you could place silica packets with your pocket pussy to keep it dry and clean as it prevents moisture in the air from affecting your pocket pussy.
Otherwise, sadly, if your sex toy can’t be saved, it may be time to get a new one.
What to Look for When Cleaning Your Pocket Pussy
The first part of cleaning your pocket pussy should always be a thorough inspection to ensure there are no potential risks of harm to your sex toy and yourself. No amount of cleaning (sometimes cleaning that’s too rough could even be harmful to your pocket pussy). Things to look out for include:
- Cracks and ripping – any cracks or ripping on the surface of or in your pocket pussy compromises the life span of your sex toy without proper care and provides places for bacteria to accumulate and grow. Natural wear and tear is normal and has nothing to do with how you use your pocket pussy.
- Rust or leaky batteries – this only applies to those pocket pussies or male masturbators that have motors and/or electrical components. If you spot any rusting or leaked battery acid then their could be something wrong with your male masturbator. This issue is usually unfixable and its recommended that you stop using that pocket pussy/masturbator immediately and buy a new one.
- Discolouration – This can be caused from a number of factors, where the most common issues arise from your lubrication, cleaning method or the sleeve itself. If you’re able to identify the cause and fix the issue before it gets worse, then you might have just saved your pocket pussy and you can continue to use it, but if you aren’t sure as to why your sex toy is getting discoloured then you should probably stop using it and buy a new one.
- Smell: Keep an eye on the following change, as this is a good indicator of improper maintenance or just old age. If your pocket pussy smells funky, it means that it has most likely not been washed properly, and bacteria have started to grow. It's time to toss that baby.
- Rough or raised areas: Most sex toys made of softer materials like silicone or latex will eventually develop areas that become less smooth. This is a natural product of wear and tear and is nothing to do with how you use the toy.
Final Thoughts
In the end all things inevitably degrade naturally from wear and tear but you can do your part to prolong and avoid this wear and tear for as long as possible now that you know how to clean sex toys. What are you waiting for? Pick out your pocket pussy today!
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Want to see us stock a specific type of pocket pussy? Contact us and let us know!